Academic Profile
Raghavendra Selvan (Raghav) is currently an Assistant Professor (Tenure-track) at Machine Learning (ML) Section, Dept. of Computer Science, University of Copenhagen (UCPH). He is also affiliated the Data Science Laboratory at UCPH. His current research interests are broadly pertaining Resource Efficient ML, ML for Sciences, and Graph Neural Networks. Of late, another overarching theme of his research interests lie at the intersection of sustainability and ML where he is interested in investigating sustainability with ML, and also the sustainability of ML.
Raghav received his PhD in Medical Image Analysis (University of Copenhagen, 2018), his MSc degree in Communication Engineering in 2015 (Chalmers University, Sweden) and his Bachelor degree in Electronics and Communication Engineering degree in 2009 (BMS Institute of Technology, India). Raghavendra Selvan was born in Bangalore, India.
- 2024-08: RS was featured in an article in the Danish Public Broadcaster DR on the energy consumption of generative AI.
- 2024-08: Paper published in the Journal of Human Brain Mapping.
- 2024-07: Paper accepted to be published in the Special Issue on Sustainability in Communications of ACM.
- 2024-06: Paper published in Nature Communications.
- 2024-06: RS was featured in an article in the Danish newspaper Berlingske about the increasing energy consumption of AI
- 2024-06: Paper published in Science Advances.
- 2024-05: Paper accepted to be presented at ACM KDD 2024.
- 2024-05: Paper published in the Journal of Yeast.
- 2024-04: Work presented at ICASSP was featured in
- 2024-04: RS will be co-chairing a session on ML for Signal Processing at ICASSP-2024
- 2024-04: Press release for ICASSP-2024 paper on energy consumption aware NAS.
- 2024-02: Paper published in the Journal of Open Source Software (JOSS).
- 2024-02: RS was featured in an article in the Danish magazine DM Digi talking about Climate-Aware AI.
- 2024-02: RS was featured in an article in the Danish magazine Uddannelsebladet talking about the carbon footprint of AI.
- 2024-02: RS co-organized the special track on Resource-Aware ML at D3A Conference, Nyborg.
- 2024-01: RS will be teaching at the Geilo Winter School on Graphs and Applications.
- 2023-12: RS was featured in an article in the Danish magazine Prosabladet talking about the climate impact of AI.
- 2023-12: Papers on energy consumption-aware NAS and improved activation map quantization accepted to be presented at ICASSP-2024.