Media Coverage
- AI-revolutionen kræver en sikker hånd på roret. Danish Datacenter Industry Seminar. (link) (pdf)
- RS was featured in an article in Videnskab.dk, discussing the pros and cons of AI in understanding animals. (pdf)
- RS was featured in an article in TV2, discussing why big AI companies are buying massive amounts of nuclear power. (pdf)
- RS was featured in an episode of Third Ear Podcast on Sustainability and AI. (link)
- Kan AI redde truede dyrearter? (Videnskab.dk, Danish Pop. Sci. Mag.) (link) (pdf)
- AI-kapløbet vælter tech-giganternes CO2-regnskab: Forretningsmodellen vinder over klimaet (INGENIØREN, Danish media outlet) (link) (pdf)
Tech-giganter skjuler stigende CO2-udledninger: Man må ikke bare vælge det tal, der ser bedst ud (INGENIØREN, Danish media outlet) (link) (pdf)
- Chatbots sviner klimaet: Kæmpe datacentre kan om få år sluge hele Japans strømforbrug (DR, Danish Public Broadcaster)(link) pdf
- Ai-revolution kræver enorme mængder strøm (Berlingske, Danish Newspaper)(link pdf)
- Kunstig intelligens er blevet en kæmpe trussel mod klimaet – men der er håb (Finans.dk, Danish Magazine)(link)
- AI vil sluge lige så meget energi som hele Sverige. Nu har københavnske forskere en løsning (Videnskab.dk, Danish Magazine) (link pdf)
- Building more responsive, AI-driven infrastructure (Canadian Broadcasting Service), Radio/Podcast feature on the energy consumption of AI models. (link, around 26m mark)
- Samfundets AI-ambitioner har en skjult bagside: »Træning af systemerne kræver en enorm mængde energi« (INGENIØREN, Danish media outlet) (link) (pdf)
- Computer scientists show the way: AI models need not be SO power hungry (UCPH Press release), April, 2024. (link) (pdf)
- Klimabevidst AI-teknologi er fremtiden, DM Digi (Danish Magazine), Jan. 2024. (link) (pdf)
- Sort samvittighed eller grøn gamechanger?, Uddannelsebladet (Danish Magazine), Feb. 2024. (link) (pdf)
- ‘Ej Efternavn’: Indian in Denmark unable to get real name on residence card (TheLocal.dk), Feb. 2024. (link) (pdf)
- AI skyder afsted med rekordfart – hvad gør det egentlig ved klimaet?, Prosa, (Danish Magazine), Dec. 2023. (link) (pdf)
- The increasing carbon footprint of AI is a challenge. Here is what we can do about it (University Press Release) Oct. 2023. (link)
- Eksperter har udregnet Chat GPT’s elregning, Børsen, (Danish newspaper), July 2023. (link)
- Der Energiehunger der KIs, Süddeutsche Zeitung (German newspaper), April 2023 (link) (pdf)
- Danish residence cards promised to ‘no surname’ foreign nationals (TheLocal.dk), June 2022. ((link pdf )
- Taming AI models to minimize their impact on climate, June 2023, (link) (pdf)
- These simple changes can make AI research much more energy efficient, MIT Technology Review (2022) (link)
- Insect wingbeats will help quantify biodiversity, UCPH Press Release (2022) (link)
- Algorithm reveals the mysterious foraging habits of narwhals, UCPH Press Release (2021) (link)
Students develop tool to predict the carbon footprint of algorithms, UCPH Press Release (2020) (link)
- Columns for The Hindu
- Building an image classifier for sorting images, The Hindu (2022) (link)
Select Invited Talks
- 2024
- “Why I do What I do? (Sustainable ML)”. Guest talk at the Dept. of Computer Science, MSc program Cabin trip. Denmark
- “Climate Impact of Generative AI”. Invited talk at Oracle, Denmark.
- “Energy consumption of AI”. Panelist at Digital Tech Summit, Denmark.
- “What is the Climate Impact of AI?”. Invited talk at the AI and Climate Workshop organized by IDA, Denmark.
- “Do You Know the Carbon Footprint of Your AI?”. Invited talk at Digitaliseringsmessen 2024. Odense. Denmark.
- “Sustainable AI: A Critical Perspective”. Invited lecture at University of Potsdam, Germany (online)
- “On the Carbon Footprint of Deep Learning: From Monitoring to Mitigation”. Talk at the Pioneer Center for AI workshop on Diverse AI Tasks, Denmark.
- “Representation learning for Multi-Modal Data”. Invited Talk (remote) at University of St. Andrews, Scotland.
- “Dialogue between Danish ICT Sector on ESG considerations about Generative AI”. Danish ICT Association (IT-Branchen). Denmark
- “Graph Neural Networks: From spectral signal processing to self-attention”. Winter School lectures at Geilo Winter School. Norway.
- 2023
- “Climate-Aware AI: Monitoring and Improving the Environmental Impact of ML”. Expert Talk at Danish Digital Tech Summit. Denmark. 2023
- “Carbon Footprint of Medical Image Analysis and Mitigation Strategies”. Invited Talk at Erasmus MC.Netherlands. 2023
- “On the Carbon Footprint of Deep Learning”. Invited Talk at Green Labs. Netherlands. 2023
- “Generative ML and Ecological Modelling”. Invited Talk at Wageningen University. Netherlands. 2023.
- “Representation Learning with Graph Neural Networks”, Invited Talk at 3rd GraphNeT Workshop, Bornholm, Denmark, 2023
- “Representation learning in Medical Image Analysis”, Invited Talk at Chalmers University, Sweden, 2023
- “On the Carbon Footprint of Deep Learning”, Invited Talk at Chalmers University, Sweden, 2023
- “Resource Efficient ML: A Carbon Footprint view of Deep Learning”, Invited Talk at IT University, Denmark, 2023
- “Carbon Footprint of Deep Learning”, Invited Talk at the ROS AI Workgroup (Online), 2023
- “Resource Efficient ML: A Carbon Footprint view of Deep Learning”, Invited Talk at SINTEF, Oslo, Norway, 2023
- “Graph Neural Networks: From Spectral Graph Processing to Self-Attention and Beyond”, Invited Talk in the Seminar on AI Meets Complex Knowledge Structures, Oslo, Norway, 2023
- 2022
- “Quantum Tensor Networks for Medical Image Analysis”, Guest Lecture at MSc course on Medical Image Analysis, UCPH, 2022
- “Behavioural Analysis with Big Data and Deep Learning”, Guest Lecture at PhD course on Animal Models of Disease, UCPH, 2022
- “Identifying Partial Mouse Brain Microscopy Images from the Allen Reference Atlas Using a Contrastively Learned Semantic Space”, Oral Presentation at Workshop on Biomedical Image Registration, 2022 (video)
- “Machine Learning for Biomedical Image Analysis”, Guest Lecture at Center for Advanced Bioimaging Summer School, 2022
- “Quantum Tensor Networks for Medical Image Analysis”, Centre for the Mathematics of Quantum Theory, University of Copenhagen, Denmark
- 2021
- “Deep Learning for Medical Image Analysis”, Guest Lecture, Jönköping University, Sweden
- “Exploring Sustainability of ML/AI, With Carbontracker as an example”, 50 year celebration event of Dept. of Computerscience, UCPH, Denmark
- “ML for Chemistry”, Datascience for Chemistry PhD course, University of Copenhagen, Denmark
- “Graph Neural Networks”, DIKU/DTU/AAU Summer School on Geometric Deep Learning, Vejle, Denmark (slides) (video)
- ``Graph refinement based airway extraction”, University of Iowa (virtual)
- ``Carbon footprint driven deep learning model selection for medical imaging”, MIDL 2021, (video)
- ``Segmenting two-dimensional structures with strided tensor networks”, IPMI 2021, (video)
- “Quantum Tensor Networks for Medical Image Analysis”, Frederich-Alexander University, Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany (virtual) (slides) (video)
- “Quantum Tensor Networks for Medical Image Analysis”, Weill Cornell Medicine and Cornell-IthacaUniversity, USA (virtual)
- 2020
- “Extraction of Airways from volumetric data”, Radboud University Medical Center, The Netherlands, (slides)
- “Uncertainty quantification in medical image segmentation using normalizing flows”, International workshop on Machine Learning in Medical Imaging, (MLMI 2020), (video)
- “Tensor networks for medical image classification”, International conference of Medical Imaging with Deep Learning (MIDL 2020), (slides) (video)
- “Machine learning for Medical Image Analysis”, Alumni Talk @ BMS Institute of Technology. Also at SIT, Tumkur (video)
- “Inclusive AI”, Free Software Movement - Karnataka
- 2019
- “Cell Imaging and Analysis using Machine Learning”, Summer School in Advanced Live Cell Imaging, UCPH
- “Features for Image Analysis”, Danish Meteorological Institute (slides)
- “Graph Refinement based Airway Extraction using Mean-Field and Graph Neural Networks”, Department of Computer Science, Aalto University School of Science (slides)
- 2018
- 2017
- 2016
- 2015
- “Bayesian tracking of multiple point targets Using Expectation Maximization”, MSc defence, Chalmers University (slides)